Griffith, J. A. & Medeiros, K. E. (August 2017). Training that transfers: Exploring sexual assault prevention that works. In Afiouni, F. (Chair), Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and Beyond: Exploring Perspectives from Around the Globe. Symposium submitted to the 77th annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta, GA.
Griffith, J. A., Gibson, C., Medeiros, K., MacDougall, A., & Hardy, J. (April 2017). Begin with the end in mind: Rethinking outstanding leadership outcomes. In Neely, B. H. & Hunter, S. T. (Co-chairs), The CIP Model of Leadership: Research Advancements and New Directions. Syposium presented to the 32nd annual meeting for the Society of Industrial-Organizational Psychology. Orlando, FL.